Click here for a PDF copy of The Old Man and the Sea essay instructions.
Each class will have four days to work on the essay. It is expected you will need to work on it outside of class in order to create a product you can feel proud of.
Due dates are as follows:
TH, 3/26 - D & F write draft
FRI 3/27 - B write draft, D & F finish draft
MON 3/30 - B finish draft, F post to blog @ start of class, make comments
TUES 3/31 - B & D post to blog @ start of class, make comments; F make final edits
TH 4/2 - B & D make final edits
By Friday 4/3, you should have posted the final version of your essay to your blog, along with a picture or image and a creative title.
I would like your Macbethessay comments to answer the following four questions. Write three to four sentences for each question.
I - What is this essay's thesis? Is it clear and concise? Is it focused? Does it engage you? Why or why not?
II - Of all the examples and quotations contained in this essay, which is the strongest? Why? What made it stand out above the others?
III - What is one thing this essay does well? It could be its organization, word choice, writing style, choice of quotations, introduction, conclusion, etc. In addition to mentioning what the author does well, copy and paste an example of what you thought was particularly effective. Be sure to put the example in quotations.
IV - What is one piece of advice that the author might consider when making his/her final revisions? Your suggestion could be about integrating vocabulary, citing quotes, polishing the thesis and introduction, ending with a strong conclusion, etc.
Your comments should appear below the story you are responding to. When asked to choose an identity, use your Google/Blogger ID. Comments not posted according to these instructions should be deleted.
* You can either print your comments or consolidate them into a Microsoft Word document, which you may show me on screen in class tomorrow, as I will check them then. Your classmates and I thank you for your valuable feedback.
Choose one of the following topic choices and explore it in a 600-800 word essay. Set up your essay with an introduction that contains a focusing idea (thesis statement) that speaks to the theme choice you are responding to. Include at least three specific examples, points, or arguments that you explain in detail and support with cited evidence from Macbeth in the body paragraphs of your essay. You will want to finish with a thoughtful conclusion that ties your essay together.
You will have two days to write a draft, one day to make revisions, one day to upload the essays to your class blogs and begin comments, one day to make changes based on the comments, and one last day for any final edits you need to make to ensure your essays are as good as they can be before I begin reading and grading them.
Macbeth themed topic choices – Pick one:
I. Things aren’t always what they seem
II. Blind ambition leads to one’s downfall III. Power corrupts
IV. Superstition affects human behavior
These themes are found in Macbeth, but perhaps more importantly (and interestingly, depending on your perspective), they can be found in present-day society and our lives. One might consider them truisms, as these maxims seem to have stood the test of time.
Essay formatting: 1) 600-800 words, 2) single-spaced, with one space between paragraphs, 3) Georgia size 12 font, 4) organized into paragraphs of roughly four to eight sentences.
Essay criteria checklist:
______ Your essay’s introduction contains a focusing idea (thesis statement) that takes a stance on the theme you are responding to, and the conclusion is thoughtful and ties your essay together.
______ There are at least three correctly cited and clearly explained examples from Macbeth that serve as evidence and analysis for your chosen theme: Introduce the line you’re going to cite with a sentence or two. “Put the lines of verse in quotes like this. In parentheses, put the act, scene, and line numbers, in that order, followed by a period” (5.3.21-22). Then, be sure you’ve explained the significance of the passage in two or three sentences.
______ Your writing is enticing, engaging, and uses specific, appropriate language to get your points across.
______ Your paper is free of grammar, spelling, and punctuation errors.
Late essays will not be accepted without penalty (10 points per day). After three days, your essay will not be accepted for credit. You’re responsible for saving and keeping track of all your work, including notes, drafts, and electronic files. Save your work often and in multiple locations, as you will only be submitting an electronic copy via your blog. I am available to help while you’re writing your essay. Please let me know how I may best assist you.
Essay schedule: FRI, 3/13 – Begin draft
TUES, 3/17 – Finish draft by end of class
WED, 3/18 – Bring completed draft to class, make revisions with peer editing sheet
TH, 3/19 – Post to blog, begin making comments
MON, 3/23 – Three comments due at start of class, read comments, make changes
TUES, 3/24 – Make last edits, final essay posted to blog by end of period